
59% of investors consider brand strength in their top 5 choices of their IPO investment decisions

Creating a strong brand is just as important for startups as it is to established companies. Investors are naturally focused on a startups financials, but equally, a strong brand is a significant indicator of a company’s ability to perform and is widely recognised by investors as an importan non-financial indicator of prolonged success. The likelihood of startups getting investment increases if the startup has a strong brand.

A strong brand strategy indicates that the startup has figured themselves out, by using the power of brand to facilitate business strategy, articulate their internal culture, and build a long term relationship with its audiences. A strong brand starts with an airtight brand strategy.

If you are startup in the field of green tech or sustainability, I am open to offering you my services at a discounted rate and I would welcome the opportunity to work with brands that are symbols of positive change and working to unleash progress in this area.

In addition to my services, I can also help craft impactful investment pitch decks.