Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touchpoints.

Jonah Sachs


When people think of a brand, a logo is probably one of the first things that comes to mind. Whilst how a brand looks is undoubtedly important, a brand is so much more, it is the sum of every single experience someone has with your organisation, from your customers, to your employees. to your partners. The most successful companies in the world always start with a brand strategy that defines who they are, what they do, and how they are making the world a better place for their customers, employees, and for humanity.

A brand strategy is used as a north star to align an entire organisation behind a single purpose. It also informs a brand’s visual and verbal identity, helps create the right culture, inspires prioritisation of resources, and is the starting point for all communication.

Let’s Break It Down

  • The Logic

    Great brand strategies are not only inspirational but also measurable and designed to meet commercial ambitions. In order to craft a great strategy, I need to get to know your business intimately. This is why my process always starts with a thorough and detailed assessment of your brand including; strategy, perception, experience, messaging, and design. Followed by an analysis of your current business strategy to see how your brand needs to evolve or change in order to meet future objectives. It also includes an external analysis of your target audience, industry, worldwide trends, and internal analysis of your company culture.

  • The Magic

    After The Logic is complete and we have a clear and detailed assessment of your brand, The Magic is crafting the perfect brand strategy that resonates with your business, is realistic to achieve, and is relevant to your audience. See below for what a brand strategy should include (based on your business, it may need to include more or fewer elements).

  • The Rollout

    Once The Magic is complete, I will develop a solution to help strengthen your brand; this could be a new verbal and visual identity, an internal and external launch, creation of an employer brand, a naming strategy, tone of voice, brand architecture, etc. We will then work together to deliver the magic!

The Logic

  • Deep Dive

    A deep dive into your business strategy, future ambitions, current performance and perceptions, competitors, consumers insights, global trends, and market research. I would also assess your brand image, identity, customer experience, and product delivery.

  • Workshop

    A guided and interactive workshop with key leadership where we would discuss the research, key findings, discuss challenges and opportunities facing your brand, your future aspirations and desired brand experiences, reputation and personality. If the challenge your brand is facing is internal and related to culture, I will run surveys and culture workshops with your wider team.

  • Review

    I would present a detailed report, with recommendations on how your brand should evolve or change to meet your business and commercial objectives. I would present this to you in a workshop and where we would debate different strategy territories and once agreed, The Magic can begin.

The Magic

  • Why

    Your purpose. Why do you exist above and beyond making money? Simon Sinek first coined this term because he realised that people won’t truly buy into a product, service, movement, or idea until they understand the WHY behind it. Your purpose will impact customers’ decisions and influence the type of talent you attract, and who you partner with.

  • How

    Your mission. The How defines the specific actions you will take to achieve your purpose. It is more detailed and includes tangible, measurable actions.

  • What

    Your positioning. One statement that articulates a unique customer insight, the unique elements of your brand, and how you are different from the competition. It provides the basis for all communication and key messages.

  • Beliefs

    Otherwise called values. Brands are built from the inside out but values often sit on a wall and have little meaning to employees. Beliefs are actionable statements that define in a relatable way how you act and how you expect your employees to act. They are more impactful, help you build the right culture, and attract top talent.

  • Promise

    A brand promise is the experience your customers can expect to receive every single time they interact with your brand. The more a company can deliver on that promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of customers and employees.

  • Personality

    A set of personality traits that personify your brand. It is communicated through tone of voice, visual identity, and even customer service policies.

The Rollout

  • Design Brief

    A new brand strategy may mean that you have to revisit your visual identity. If this is the case, I can write a full RFP briefing document, brief a design agency, help assess them and supervise them throughout their work.

  • Brand Architecture

    How you structure your portfolio of products and services can help you achieve your business objectives. Should your brand have a branded house approach (like Apple), a hybrid approach (like Amazon) or a house of brands approach (like Alphabet or P&G). The right architecture should build business value, guide growth and facilitate navigation and understanding.

  • Internal Brand Rollout/Engagement

    External perceptions are a result of internal performance. Employee buy-in is equally important as customer buy-in. I can create and run a customised plan of internal brand engagement activities to ensure employee understanding and buy-in, for example; working with HR to define how the brand strategy can be integrated at different employee touchpoints, from recruitment to retention to reputation.

  • Naming and Naming Strategy

    A name means nothing and everything at the same time. I can help you create a name for your company, product, or service that is aligned to your strategy and resonates with your audience. I can also create a naming strategy, defining a unique and consistent way to name your products and services.

  • Tone of Voice/Verbal Identity/Taglines

    Your brand is an expression of yourself at every single touchpoint, that includes how you write and talk. Defining a unique set of guidelines about how you write and talk ensures consistency and reinforces your brand.

  • White Papers/Thought Pieces

    The speed at which future trends develop and emerging issues breakthrough into mainstream consciousness is accelerating. Maintaining a 360 view of the market will allow you to anticipate, prepare and adapt to ensure that your brand remains relevant. I can craft white papers or thought pieces relevant to your industry and market.

My Industry Expertise

  • Tech

    Tech companies are notoriously hard to brand; often needing to make the extremely complex simple. I have worked with some leading tech companies to help them define their purpose and reimagine their narrative in one of the fastest-paced industries in the world, where simplicity is king.

  • Sustainability

    With the current fate of the planet hanging in the balance, consumers are shopping for values, and making a difference to the planet has become essential to building a brand. Brands have to now generate prosperity, whilst caring for and protecting the environment. Authenticity is crucial and backed up by correct and clear information, or it can be mistaken for greenwashing. I have a personal and professional interest in sustainability and can help create strategies which also (once implemented) can contribute to your ESG score.

  • Government

    Answerable to every citizen, the gate-keeper to the image of entire countries, it is imperative that governments have the correct brand strategy in place to protect and enhance their reputation, and to ensure their citizens and economies flourish.

  • Startups

    Brand is sometimes put on the back burner in startups. Other elements take priority such as financial modeling and product development. Whilst these factors are undoubtedly important, brand is also a significant factor that investors consider when investing in startups. If you cannot communicate your brand in the right way to investors, how can they be assured you can to your consumers? I can help startups create their brand strategy - which includes USPs and key messages essential for pitch decks, and help you launch your brand.